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Laser Hair Removal in Manchester

Several years ago I decided to stop shaving and changed to waxing. I was sick of ingrown hairs and the little red bumps that formed on my lower legs from an old school razor. I soon learned, waxing is wonderful, for three days. Then the hair begins to creep back in.

I remembered first hearing about laser hair removal a few years ago when people were first talking about it, but I wanted to wait to see how it developed and what feedback it got. I basically wanted to know if it was legitimate and worth the time, pain, and cost.

The way laser hair removal works, is that pulses of highly concentrated light are emitted from the laser into the hair follicles. The pigment in the follicles absorbs the light and that destroys the hair. When I read that 90 percent of laser hair removal patients who are good candidates for the procedure report permanent hair loss after an average of three to six sessions, I was sold.

My interest was particularly piqued by the spate of at-home laser treatments recently on the market. Could it be that easy? An investigation into the leading brands revealed some intriguing contenders and the main contender being Primelase who have the Diode, one of the world’s most powerful laser hair removal machines.

I spoke to a large number of providers of this service and found a professional provider in Manchester, called I spoke to Charlotte who was very helpful and fully explained the process and the pricing, which was very, very competitive. – I decided to take the plunge and go for it, so I booked an appointment for a few days later.

I arrived for my appointment, in loose fitting closes as instructed and went to a private area with the laser hair remove machine is located, I lay on a comfortable bed and Charlotte began to work her magic. – I must say, it didn’t hurt a bit.

It was explained that I may need between 6 to 12 visits depending on my hair, bit after my 1st visit, I could start to feel the change. All I can say is if you’re looking for the best Laser Hair Removal Manchester has to offer, look no further than

Spin on 7 weeks and the area that Charlotte has been working on, is completely hair free and I no longer need to shave, which means to more spots or prickly hair, Yey.

Clearly I’m not alone in this. There are billions of women and Men out there that are sick and tired of shaving, and I could not recommend this treatment enough. Its amazing. This summer was the best summer ever.

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